Cabaret (art history)

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In the visual arts, the expressions of small art or movable art are used to describe the artistic expressions on small and movable objects in contrast to the immobile engravings and paintings. Originally the applied arts was meant, but has been expanded to include small-scale works with artistic demands.

Early examples can be found in the Upper Paleolithic small art from the last Ice Age (see also Old Paleolithic small art ).

In ancient times, a distinction was made between movable finds such as vases , coins , jewelry or terracottas in contrast to large statues or architectural remains.

In medieval art, for example, objects from church treasures are called that.

Forest glass is an example of modern small-scale art or art .

In addition, jewelry is referred to as cabaret and the entire area of goldsmithing is referred to as cabaret. In this regard, it is interesting to see the different views of this art in society. B. with the Egyptians as art, in today's Europe as handicraft, which is also reflected in the wages and the claim to an elaborate grave.