Cleopatra of Pontus

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Cleopatra was a daughter of King Mithridates VI. of Pontus and as the wife of Tigranes II. Queen of Armenia.


Cleopatra was born by her father, an opponent of the Roman Empire , around 95 BC. Married to Tigranes in order to consolidate the alliance with him. The marriage resulted in three sons, including Tigranes, heir to the throne, who later fell away (66 BC). After his suicide, Cleopatra had an honorable burial and a tomb built for the rhetor Amphikrates from Athens, who had fled to her court . Tigranes did not eagerly fulfill her wish to give her father greater support in his fight ( Third Mithridatic War ) against the Roman general Lucullus (72 BC). After Mithridates and Tigranes broke up, Cleopatra apparently went back to her father, since she was responsible for this 64 BC. In contrast to its brothers, persistently defended the castle of Phanagoreia against insurgents; finally, ships sent by her father brought her decisive relief.



  1. Justin 38, 3, 2.
  2. ^ Appian , Mithridateios 104.
  3. Plutarch , Lucullus 22.
  4. Memnon of Herakleia in Felix Jacoby , The Fragments of the Greek Historians (FGrH), No. 434, F 29, 6.
  5. ^ Appian, Mithridateios 108.