Martano Monastery

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Martano Monastery

The monastery Martano (also: Santa Maria della Consolazione ), which has existed since 1686, is since 1926 a monastery of Cistercian in Martano , Province of Lecce , Apulia , Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Otranto in Italy.


The monastery of Santa Maria della Consolazione ("Maria Trost") in Martano (20 km southeast of Lecce ), whose beginnings go back to the 17th century, was owned by the Alcantarines until 1866 (unofficially until 1881) . Then it was empty. Since 1926 it has been the Cistercian priory of the Casamari Monastery . The monastery has a valuable library, enriched by donations, which inherited from the Italianist Mario Marti (1914–2015), former rector of the University of Lecce, and the art historian Michele Paone (1938–2001). Scientifically important of Martaner monk and was Hellenist Mauro Cassoni (1877-1951).


  • Placido Caputo: Il monastero di Santa Maria della Consolazione in Martano. Tra cronaca e storia . Galatin, 1988.
  • Giancarlo Calcagno: La chiesa del monastero di S. Maria della Consolazione (Martano - LE) nei suoi 300 anni di storia (1686–1986) . In: Rivista cistercense 3, 1986, pp. 35-54.
  • Bernard Peugniez: Guide Routier de l'Europe Cistercienne . Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012, p. 731.

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Coordinates: 40 ° 12 ′ 49 ″  N , 18 ° 18 ′ 38 ″  E