Olizarowystaw Monastery

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Cistercian Monastery of Olizarowystaw
location BelarusBelarus Belarus , Sjachnowitschy ( Breszkaja Woblasz )
Coordinates: 52 ° 14 '36 "  N , 24 ° 1' 37"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 14 '36 "  N , 24 ° 1' 37"  E
founding year between 1704 and 1720
Year of dissolution /
before 1830?
Mother monastery Wistychy Monastery or Kimbarowka Monastery
Primary Abbey Morimond Monastery

The Monastery of Olizarowystaw ( Clarus fons ; also Alizarow-Staw) was a smaller settlement (priory) of the Cistercian order in the part of Poland that became Russian during the partitions of Poland. The location is with "in Kobryn specified 'rule circles and two miles from Wistycze" where the Abbey Wistytschy had 50 serfs and 150 acres of farmland, further 26 versts west of Kobryn. The location can thus be determined to be around 4 km north-northwest of Schabinka .


The monastery was founded between 1704 and 1720 by a Komorowski on a property of the Wistytschy monastery (the Kimbarowka monastery is also given as the mother monastery ; however, apart from the chronological order, the fact that Kimbarowka was not an abbey speaks against this). The establishment was confirmed by the Polish estates in 1717. The jurisdiction over the monastery is said to have initially been in dispute between "the neighboring abbeys" until the General Chapter in 1738 placed it under the jurisdiction of the Oliva Monastery and the Pelplin Monastery . The village of Podrzesze belonged to the monastery. It is said to have been repealed before 1830.

Individual evidence

  1. Communications on the Wistycze Monastery, Cistercienser Chronik Vol. 2 (1890), p. 178
  2. Słownik geograficzny Królstwa Polskiego i innich krajów słowińskich, Tom. VII, 484
  3. http://www.cistopedia.org/index.php?id=6692
  4. Die Cistercienser in Lithuania, Cistercienser-Chronik Vol. 2 (1890), S. 17-18.
  5. Die Cistercienser in Lithuania, Cistercienser-Chronik Vol. 2 (1890), S. 18


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