Knolly's rose

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Knolly's Rose is a rose that has been brought to the Lord Mayor of London annually by the Company of Watermen and Lightermen of the River Thames since 1381 . The custom was interrupted from the 17th century until 1924.

The red rose is picked in a garden on Seething Lane and brought to the Lord Mayor's house on the altar cushion of the All Hallows-by-the-Tower church .

The custom goes back to a verdict from 1381. At that time Sir Robert Knollys was on a war expedition out of the country. His wife, Constance Knollys, bought the property in Seething Lane, where she planted a rose garden. To get from her house to the garden opposite, she had a bridge built. Since there was no permit for this, the city sentenced them to the symbolic compensation payment of one rose per year. Although the bridge has long ceased to exist, the rose will continue to be delivered on Ascension Day .

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