Buttonhole vest

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Buttonhole vest
Buttonhole jackete.jpg
Weapon type: Protective weapon
Designations: Button-hole jack, buttonhole vest
Use: armor
Working time: around 17th century
Region of origin /
Distribution: Europe
Lists on the subject

The buttonhole vest ( English button-hole jack) is a protective weapon from Europe.


The buttonhole vest is made of canvas . It consisted of a kind of vest that was either lined or with sewn-in horn plates. Round reinforcements have been sewn on the front with the help of buttonhole stitches , which is where the name of the vest comes from. The buttonhole jacket was only worn by higher-ranking people. It served as protection under the breastplates to soften blows and to protect the body from friction or pressure from the armor.

Individual evidence

  1. George Cameron Stone , Donald J. LaRocca: A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor: in All Countries and in All Times. Courier Dover Publications, 1999, ISBN 978-0-486-40726-5 (reprint), page 311.