English monkshood

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English monkshood
English monkshood.jpg
Weapon type: Protective weapon
Designations: English iron hat
Use: helmet
Working time: 17th century
Region of origin /
England , armory
Distribution: England
Lists on the subject

An English monkshood is an early modern monkshood from England .


The iron hats were often modeled on hats from civilian fashion. They were designed less for combat use in war and more for everyday use. The helmets were available in different versions, depending on the fashion of the time. Preserved specimens can be found in Warwick Castle , England, as well as in the Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York . For a better look, the helmets were covered with fabric. They had a nose splint as a visor , which could either be pushed in front of the face by loosening a screw or folded in front of the face with the help of a hinge . The helmet described here had a hat rim that was opened on one side. This brim was riveted to the helmet bell. On the same side there is a metal sleeve that was used to hold a spring sleeve . The general iron hats served as a war helmet and were made in the shape of a bowl.


  • Michele Byam: Arms & Armor. Dk Publishing, New York NY 2004, ISBN 0-7566-0653-5 .
  • Claude Blair: European armor. Circa 1066 to circa 1700. Reprinted edition. Batsford, London 1972, ISBN 0-7134-0729-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. George Cameron Stone : A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor in All Countries and in All Times. With an Introduction by Donald J. LaRocca. Courier Dover Publications, Mineola NY 1999, ISBN 0-486-40726-8 , p. 308.