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Kodima is a Vepsic language magazine published in Petrozavodsk , Karelia , since 1993 . It is the most important mouthpiece of the Wepsen , even if individual articles appear in it in Russian. The magazine was founded by Nikolai Abramov , one of the most important Wepsi writers. In addition to Abramov, Nina Zaiceva, Marina Ginijatullina and Nikolai Fomin work as editors for Kodima. Literally translated the title of the magazine means "home country". The print run of the four to eight page magazine, which appears in A3 format, is 1,000 copies.

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Individual evidence

  1. Daniel Abandolo: The Uralic Languages , p 100. New York 2006
  2. Pekka Katara: Suomalais-saksalainen koulusanakirja , p. 183. Porvoo 1974