Nikolai Viktorovich Abramov

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Nikolai Viktorovich Abramov, 2014

Nikolai Wiktorowitsch Abramov ( Russian: Никола́й Ви́кторович Абра́мов , Wepsisch Nikolai Abramov ; born January 24, 1961 in Ladwaha near Leningrad ; † January 23, 2016 ) was a Russian-Soviet wepsish-speaking writer.


He was born as a member of the Wepsen minority and studied at the teacher training colleges in Leningrad and in Petrozavodsk , Karelia - a city in which a relatively large number of people still belong to the Wepsen minority. 1994 his first work appeared there in wepsischer language , the poetry collection Koume 33. Koumekümne , here it was the first after 1937 published collection of poems on Vepsian. His second work, Kurgiden aig , appeared in 1999 and his third, Pagiskam, vell ' , in 2005. Nikolai Abramov also worked as a translator of literary works from Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian. In 1993 he was a co-founder of the Petrozavodsk Vepsic magazine Kodima , the most important mouthpiece of the Vepsen.

Individual evidence

  1. СРОЧНО: Умер Николай Абрамов - вепсский поэт, журналист, переводчик, фотограф, киноактер. In: January 24, 2016, archived from the original on October 9, 2016 ; Retrieved November 4, 2019 (Russian).
  2. Daniel Abandolo: The Uralic Languages . Routledge, New York 2006, ISBN 978-0-415-41264-3 , pp. 100 .
  3. ^ The Wepsen - Cultures of the Urals - Wiki of the University of Vienna. In: Retrieved December 5, 2016 .