Kojima (Hokkaidō)

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Kojima is an uninhabited Japanese island.

It is located 23 kilometers southwest of the city of Matsumae and is the southernmost point in Hokkaidō. The island is under the administration of the city of Matsumae and belongs to the sub-prefecture of Oshima on Hokkaidō. To distinguish Kojima from other islands of the same name, it is sometimes referred to as Oshima-Kojima (渡 島 小島) or Matsumae-Kojima (松 前 小島).

Kojima has an area of ​​1.54 square kilometers. The island emerged from an Andesite stratovolcano .

Several smaller islands surround Kojima Island, including Daihiyakushima, Shohiyakushima, Tenjinshima, and Sazaeshima.

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