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Computus ( Latin computus , calculation ' ) generally meant "calculation" and especially "calculation with time" in the European Middle Ages . From the Latin verb computare "to calculate", the word computer originated in English , which "in the history of words [...] killed the computus".

In a narrower sense, Computus (in the context of computistics) denotes the calculation method for determining the yearly varying Easter date , see Computus (Easter calculation) .

See also


  1. See the title chosen by Arno Borst : Computus - Time and Number in the History of Europe .
  2. Arno Borst: Computus - time and number in the history of Europe . 3rd, revised and expanded edition. Wagenbach, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-8031-2492-1 , p. 134.
  3. Duden: Computistics .