Conflict partnership

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Conflict partnership is a term that the industrial sociologist Walther Müller-Jentsch coined with the title of the anthology he edited in 1991.

The term competes with the more common term social partnership . Like the latter, he describes the relationships between the actors of capital and labor - trade unions and employers' associations on the one hand, works council and management on the other - but emphasizes their often conflicting interests. Müller-Jentsch justifies his creation of the term with the fact that the conflicts of interest between capital and labor are "still difficult to understand today with the interpretation scheme of the class struggle ", but they are "on the other hand trivialized with the concept of social partnership ". Even if both contracting parties “can ultimately only achieve efficient economic results through cooperation and consensual problem solving”, “their relationship will remain a conflictual one”.

Wolfgang Streeck appears "hardly a term in the relevant German-language literature (...) at first glance as happily chosen as this one".


Basic texts
  • Walther Müller-Jentsch : conflict partnership. Actors and institutions of industrial relations. 1st edition. Hampp, Munich and Mering 1991. (2nd edition 1993. 3rd edition 1999).
  • Walther Müller-Jentsch: Trade unions and corporatism. From class struggle to conflict partnership. In: Karl Christian Führer, Jürgen Mittag, Axel Schildt, Klaus Tenfelde (eds.): Revolution and workers' movement in Germany 1918–1920 . Klartext, Essen 2013, pp. 81–96.
  • Walther Müller-Jentsch: Employers' associations between conflict and social partnership. In: Wolfgang Schroeder, Bernhard Weßels (Ed.): Handbook of employers and business associations in Germany. 2nd Edition. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2017, pp. 565-586.
Controversy over "conflict partnership"
  • Martin Behrens : Introduction to the controversial conflict partnership. In: Industrial Relations - Journal of Work, Organization and Management . Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, pp. 45–46.
  • Wolfgang Streeck : From conflict without partners to partnership without conflict: Industrial relations in Germany. In: Industrial Relations - Journal of Work, Organization and Management. Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, pp. 47–60.
  • Jürgen Kädtler : Conflict partnership - between discontinued model and social innovation. In: Industrial Relations - Journal of Work, Organization and Management. Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, pp. 334–347.
  • Klaus Dörre : The new conflict formation. Class struggles in fragmented industrial relations. In: Industrial Relations - Journal of Work, Organization and Management. Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, pp. 348–365.
  • Britta Rehder : conflict without partnership? Labor relations in the service sector. In: Industrial Relations - Journal of Work, Organization and Management. Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, pp. 366–373.
  • Wolfgang Schroeder : conflict partnership - still alive. Changed mode of conflict in manufacturing. In: Industrial Relations - Journal of Work, Organization and Management. Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, pp. 374–392.
  • Walther Müller-Jentsch: Conflict partnership and other types of industrial relationships. Replica. In: Industrial Relations - Journal of Work, Organization and Management. 23rd year, issue 4, 2016, pp. 518–531.
  • Above texts are all available: (
Further literature
  • Leo Kißler: Labor Relations - The "conflict partnership" between capital and labor. In: P. Imbusch, R. Zoll (Ed.): Peace and Conflict Research . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2006, pp. 459–483.
  • Roland Kunkel: Works councils and conflict partnership. In: Cornelia Edding, Wolfgang Kraus (Ed.): Can the group still be helped? Group dynamics and individualization. Budrich Verlag, Opladen 2006, pp. 145–168.

See also


  1. Walther Müller-Jentsch: Foreword by the editor to the 3rd edition. In: ders. (Ed.): Conflict partnership. Actors and institutions of industrial relations. 3. Edition. Hampp, Munich / Mering 1999, p. 8.
  2. ^ Walther Müller-Jentsch: Unions and Corporatism. From class struggle to conflict partnership. In: Karl Christian Führer, Jürgen Mittag, Axel Schildt, Klaus Tenfelde (eds.): Revolution and workers' movement in Germany 1918–1920. Klartext, Essen 2013, p. 92.
  3. Wolfgang Streeck: From conflict without partners to partnership without conflict: Industrial relations in Germany. In: Industrial Relations - Journal of Work, Organization and Management. 23rd year, issue 1, 2016, p. 49.

See also