Compliant killing vector field

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A conformal killing vector field is a vector field on a semi-Riemannian manifold whose flow is angle-preserving.

The concept of the conformal killing vector field is an extension of the concept of the killing vector field . Conforming killing vector fields scale the metric by a smooth function, while killing vector fields do not scale the metric. The conformal killing vectors are the infinitesimal generators of conformal transformations , which include isometries , but also dilation and special conformal transformations .


A vector field is a conforming Killing vector field if the Lie derivative of the metric is proportional to the metric with respect to

There is a smooth function on the manifold and is called a conformal killing factor . In the expression relating to the Levi-Civita context , this means

for all vectors and . In local coordinates this leads to what is known as the conformal Killing equation

One can see from all these equations that a conforming killing vector field is a killing vector field if and only if the conforming killing factor is zero.


The conformal group generated by the conformal Killing vector fields is a frequently used symmetry group , especially in solid state physics . It is assumed that the physical system looks the same across many size scales. The quantum field theoretical description of such systems is carried out using conformant quantum field theories . Conformal quantum field theories in two spacetime dimensions also play a major role in string theory .