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Konkumbenz (konkumbieren, konkumbiert, from Latin concumbere (concubitum) - in the sense of: "to lie down with someone", "to sleep with someone", in the broader sense: "cohabitation") is an outdated term for conjugal (affinitas legitima) or illegitimate intercourse (affinitas illegitima) between a man and a woman.

In the legal literature, the term has gained importance in connection with extramarital consumption, especially in connection with the question of responsibility for a child born at home and the factual and financial support of the father to the mother and child ( alimentation ) .

See also

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  • Eduard von Liszt: The duties of the out-of-wedlock cohabitant: a contribution to the revision of the Austrian General Civil Code; with special consideration of the civil code for the German Reich and the draft of a Swiss civil code . 1st edition. Braumüller , Vienna; Leipzig 1907.
  • Theodor Gimmerthal: The human will as the source of all obligatory obligations and in particular its importance for the food obligation of the concumbents in the case of an extramarital impregnation . 1st edition. Ferd. Gimmerthal, Arnstadt 1892.
  • Georg Seitz: The alimentation obligation of the illegitimate producer according to common law (inaugural dissertation) . 1st edition. French X. Seitz, Munich 1891.