Konrad von Pont the Old

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Konrad von Pont der Alte (* 14th century; † after 1404) was a lay judge and mayor of the imperial city of Aachen .


Konrad was a nephew of the multiple mayor Johann von Pont († around 1386). He was first mentioned in a document as a lay judge in 1384. In order to distinguish him from a somewhat contemporary, somewhat younger lay judge of the same name, he is also called “the old man” in the sources. In the years 1390/91, 1393/94 and 1401/02 he was mayor of Aachen, probably also in 1397/98.

In the year 1385 belonged Konrad von Pont and his uncle Johann as well as the aldermen Reinhard von Moirke, the younger one , Heinrich and Johann Bertolf as well as Arnold Volmer as part of a mission of the peace alliance Maas-Rhein as a representative of the city together with the municipal troops of Aachen and Cologne as well the troops of the Archbishop of Kurköln Friedrich III. von Saar Werden and Duke Wilhelm II of Jülich and Geldern to the besiegers of Reifferscheid Castle . They accused Johann V. von Reifferscheid of numerous raids in the near and far surroundings and of breaking the peace . The siege itself was initially unsuccessful and the Alliance troops withdrew after three months of unsuccessful things. Nevertheless, the peace alliance was able to commit Johann V. von Reifferscheid to an eight-year peace treaty.

Konrad von Pont was married to Catharina Colyn, daughter of Gottfried Colyn. Their children were named Dam, Coen, Willem and Katheryne. Around 1385 Konrad inherited the Schurzelter Mühle in Laurensberg from his uncle Johann , which had been in the family for several generations.


Individual evidence

  1. Coels 1928, p. 139
  2. ^ Luise Freiin von Coels von der Brügghen: The Aachen mayors from 1251 to 1798 . In: Albert Huyskens (ed.): Journal of the Aachen History Association . tape 55 , born 1933/34 Verlag = Verlag des Aachener Geschichtsverein. Aachen 1935, p. 50 ( online as pdf, 1.7 MB ).