Control analysis

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Control analysis is the classic term for supervision in psychoanalytic training. An experienced analyst accompanies and mentors a candidate during their first analytical treatments. The first cases of a psychoanalyst approved for treatment are called control cases , precisely because they are completed under supervision .


  • E. Weigert: Control analysis and the countertransference of the training candidate on his patient . In: Psyche . tape 11 , no. 6 , 1957, pp. 345-352 .
  • Inge Bolen: control analysis . In: Dictionary of Psychotherapy. Gerhard Stumm, Alfred Pritz, 2000, p. 368 , accessed on February 23, 2017 .
  • Christian Studt: Teaching and learning objectives of the control analysis . In: Forum of Psychoanalysis . tape 1 , 1985, pp. 117-130 .