Concept for the near-natural development of rivers

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A concept for the near-natural development of rivers ( water development concept , GEK ) is an expert opinion that describes the previous and present state of a river and its surrounding area (its floodplain ) and shows practical possibilities for near-natural expansion and maintenance measures on flowing water.

The main goal of a water body development concept is to derive measures that can be implemented in the short to long term, which help to approximate or achieve a natural state of the water body.

The concept represents a basis for the future annual maintenance planning. The implementation of the concept does not mean that the state developed as a model is achieved. The mission statement is for guidance only. The development goal represents the maximum approximation to a natural state of the water, which can be achieved in a manageable time frame, taking into account the given socio-economic conditions.


A water development concept has the following content:

Part 1: Explanations and measures

  • introduction
  • Mission statement
  • Hydraulic engineering measures of the past
  • Actual status and evaluation
  • Development goals
  • Action plan

Part 2: Maps

  • Water structure quality
  • Usage and biotope structure
  • Measures and land acquisition


  • Ulrich Detering (edit.): Guideline for near-natural maintenance and near-natural development of flowing waters in North Rhine-Westphalia . Ministry for the Environment, Regional Planning and Agriculture of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf 1999 (the so-called Blue Directive )
  • Ministry for the Environment and Nature Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection: Guide to the establishment of a concept for the near-natural development of rivers . State Office for Water u. Waste North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf 2003. ISBN 3-9807642-8-1
  • Bent Lauge Madsen, Ludwig Tent: Lively brooks and rivers: practical tips for water maintenance and revitalization of lowland waters . Edmund Siemers Foundation, Hamburg 2000. ISBN 978-3-89811-546-9

Individual evidence

  1. bibliographic evidence