Korea Foundation

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The Korea Foundation is a government organization in South Korea whose mission is to provide non- Koreans with a better understanding of Korea through its activities and to promote and maintain international friendships.

Foundation and development

The headquarters of the organization, which was established on December 14, 1991 by the passage of The Korea Foundation Act (No.4414) and is subordinate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, is located in the Seocho-gu district of the metropolis of Seoul .

In January 1992 the first newsletter was published and a program for the creation of learning and teaching material was started. In March of the same year, the Korea Foundation published the first issue of Koreana , a magazine for Korean arts and culture. In the same year, a scholarship program, an overseas tour of Korean art and a workshop on studying Korean began. In February 1993 the first editions of the magazine Korea Focus followed and from August to December 1993 a folk festival was organized at the Expo 1993 in Daejeon , South Korea. In July 1995, a training program for Korean teachers to teach Korean as a foreign language was started. Various other publications were published in the following years, and foreign offices were opened in six countries, including Germany.

The Korea Foundation supports their program learning the Korean language and to learn about the Korean culture, acts as a sponsor for cultural events abroad and supports them active, publishes magazines and other publications on Korea and tried through diplomatic channels a positive image from Korea to produce in the world.

As a strategic program, the organization currently sets three goals:

  1. establish the identity of the Korea Foundation as a public diplomatic organization,
  2. strengthen the organization's program to be competitive with it,
  3. to establish a sustainable company management system.

Foreign missions

The Korea Foundation has opened offices in the following cities and countries : (as of 2015)

Web links

  • Homepage . 한국 국제 교류 재단,Retrieved November 12, 2015(Korean).
  • Homepage . The Korea Foundation,accessed November 12, 2015.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b About Us - Foundation Act . The Korea Foundation , accessed November 12, 2015 .
  2. a b About Us - Who We Are . The Korea Foundation , accessed November 12, 2015 .
  3. ^ Donation Programs - Introduction . The Korea Foundation , accessed November 12, 2015 .
  4. About Us - Our Mission and Vision . The Korea Foundation , accessed November 12, 2015 .
  5. ^ About Us - Overseas Offices . The Korea Foundation , accessed November 12, 2015 .