Cost coverage

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Cost coverage exists when the normal costs are higher than the actual costs . There is a cost shortfall when the actual costs are higher than the normal costs.

Normal costs> actual costs = excess coverage

Normal costs <actual costs = shortfall


The comparison between actual and normal costs is used to control costs.


In cost unit time accounting, over / under cover can be determined in the operating accounting sheet. The example is based on the following assumptions:

A company calculates with normal surcharge rates, which are the average of the actual surcharge rates for the past twelve months:

Material area 10%
Manufacturing area 200%
Administrative area 20%
Sales area 15%

The following direct costs were incurred in the current period :

Direct material costs € 100,000
Direct production costs € 25,000

The result is the following accounting sheet:

Cost area material production administration distribution
Sum of actual overheads 12,000 40,000 31,860 30,090
Surcharge basis 100,000 25,000 177,000 177,000
Actual surcharge rate 12.00% 160.00% 18.00% 17.00%
Normal surcharge 10.00% 200.00% 20.00% 15.00%
Normal overhead 10,000 50,000 37,000 27,750
Over / under cover - 2,000 + 10,000 + 5,140 - 2,340

Overall, there is a surplus of + € 10,800 across all cost areas.

Explanations of the individual table lines:

Actual overhead
Arbitrary assumptions about the amount of actual costs in the past period.
Surcharge basis
The basis of the surcharge in the material and production area is the individual costs from the task. In the administration and sales area, the manufacturing costs based on actual costs from the next table apply as the basis for the surcharge: Manufacturing costs (HK) = direct material costs (MEK) + material overhead costs (MGK) + direct production costs (FEK) + production overhead costs (FGK) = € 177,000.
Actual surcharge rate
Quotient of actual overhead costs and surcharge base
Normal surcharge
Acceptance from the task
Normal overhead
In all four cost areas, the normal overhead costs are the product of the normal surcharge rate and the surcharge base. In the administration and sales area, the surcharge is based on the HK calculated in the next table on a normal cost basis (185,000 €).
Over / under cover
Difference between normal overheads and actual overheads.
Actual costs Normal costs O / U coverage
Material direct costs (MEK) 100,000 100,000
+ Material overheads (MGK) 12,000 10,000 - 2,000
+ Direct production costs (FEK, production wages) 25,000 25,000
+ Production overheads (FGK) 40,000 50,000 + 10,000
= Manufacturing costs (HK) 177,000 185,000
+ Administrative overheads (VWGK) 31,860 37,000 + 5,140
+ Distribution overheads (VTGK) 30,090 27,750 - 2,340
= Cost (SK) 238,950 249,750 + 10,800

Web links


  • Lothar Haberstock: cost accounting I, introduction with questions, tasks and solutions . 4th edition. Business publisher Dr. Th. Gabler KG, Wiesbaden 1980, ISBN 3-470-70408-2 .
  • Wolfgang Kilger: Introduction to cost accounting . 3rd, revised edition. Business publisher Dr. Th. Gabler GmbH, Wiesbaden 1987, ISBN 3-409-21069-5 .