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Kozuli are baked figures made from dough. Kozuli were originally a delicacy of the Pomors (residents of the Arkhangelsk province ), which they only made for Christmas . Currently they are produced in the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, as well as in the Urals . Kozuli is a type of gingerbread ; also used as a toy by children.

The name Kozuli is derived from "Locke", "snake".

Customs and Legends

Kozuli symbolize all animals that stand around the baby in the Christmas crib. In the north, they are traditionally baked for Christmas.

The figures of goats, rams and cows symbolized "heavenly flocks" - clouds.

Currently, kozuli are common in the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions (for example, in the village of Varzuga). Here the Kozuli are considered the symbol of the Pomorje. Kozuli are traditionally baked in these areas for the New Year holidays - the holidays of Kolyada and Christmas. Kozuli are also given for housewarming parties, weddings and the birth of a child - according to tradition, kozuli protect the house from evil spirits. Therefore, kozuli are not eaten immediately and in no case are thrown away immediately.

The tradition of making kozuli in Pomorje was adopted by the people of the Urals. Kozuli was also made for Christmas in the Urals. Kozuli in the shape of reindeer, cats (a cat was also considered a symbol of the house), angels, Christmas trees and houses were made and baked here. Finished baked figurines decorated a Christmas tree.


Kozuli are made from specially prepared dough. The figures are cut out of the dough with a knife and painted with glaze. Dough discs are shaped into different animals - goats, deer, lambs and cows. The manufactured figures are baked in an oven. Kozuli is also considered a regional variety of Russian gingerbread.

The recipes for the dough are very diverse and many families have their own recipes for making dough that have been kept in families for decades. A special ingredient is added to the dough - “zhenka”, sugar syrup that is cooked and caramelized to an amber brown color. Roe are usually decorated with colorful glaze, which is made from whipped proteins with the addition of various natural dyes. In the Urals, kozuli dough is made with honey.

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Commons : Kozuli  - collection of images, videos and audio files