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A kowsch ( Russian Ковш ) was a traditional drinking ladle in use in Russia from the Middle Ages to the 19th century.

The kowsch is a rounded, boat-like vessel, partly shaped like a small ladle, with one or two handles in the shape of the head and tail of a bird, which was used for drinking and serving beverages, especially vodka .

It consisted of silver, base metal or wood and was often decorated with ornamental carvings, pictures or engravings. The Kowsch varied in type and name (korets, nalevka, skopkar) from region to region.


Web links

Commons : Kowsch  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Article on Kowsch in the Universal Lexikon on deacademic.com ; accessed on January 4, 2019
  2. Article on Kowsch in the large foreign dictionary. 2013 ; accessed on January 4, 2019
  3. a b Entry on Kowsch in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia 1979, on The Free Dictionary ; accessed on January 4, 2019