Collar clip

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Collar clip

A collar clip , also known as a collar clip , is an accessory worn on the collar of a shirt or blouse and is an alternative to a tie or bow tie for less formal occasions. In traditional costume fashion , collar clips have also become established.

Collar clips can only be worn when the shirt is closed to the top collar button. Shirts with a normal Kent collar are best suited for this. Shark collars are spread too far to support a collar clip. Other collar shapes such as button-down, tab or stand-up collars are also less or not at all suitable.

In the 1930s to 1960s, collar clips under the tie were common. They stretch the tie knot forward and make it appear more voluminous. They thus represented a nobler form of the tab collar. In the 1930s, around 50% of Americans wore collar clips or collar pins (the latter in so-called Piccadilly collars with holes in the collar legs).