Creative vacation

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Creative vacation is the generic term for vacation forms that combine a creative, mostly artistic activity (painting, sculpting, photography, music) with traveling. Traveling here essentially provides the framework in which the artistic activity - mostly under the guidance of a teacher - is carried out. In contrast to a normal workshop or course, the holiday atmosphere should allow more intensive immersion in the subject matter than is usually possible under everyday conditions. From a pedagogical point of view, this form of learning is extremely efficient because of its intensity and because it ignores everyday factors that hinder learning.

There is often a direct connection between the creative activity and the travel destination, be it the flamenco course in Seville, the alabaster workshop in Volterra (Tuscany) or painting and photography courses that specifically focus on a certain landscape or region.

The target group for this type of travel are mainly (older) adults who want to combine vacation and further education. The creative vacation is therefore also part of the adult education sector . Creative offers are aimed at individualists and not at the mass audience, which is why these forms of travel are generally not served by the major tourism companies. Creative vacation providers are mostly small businesses that specifically position their product in niches. This means that they are usually not subject to the sometimes violent fluctuations that have bothered mass tourism in recent years.