Loan assessor

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A credit expert deals with the analysis of payment flows in credit matters, the analysis of the proportionality of solvency and payment obligations for guarantees and the analysis of the general terms and conditions of banks and savings banks . A particular focus here is the analysis of accounts receivable , as the 2001 law of obligations reform and the associated transition laws for regulating old cases can lead to significant miscalculations.

The designation as a credit expert is not legally protected in Germany. Currently (12/2015) there are no publicly appointed and sworn credit experts in Germany, but there are around 15 independent credit experts - some of them are certified as "credit experts" according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17024. The activity as a credit expert continues for many years Work in the credit field ahead.


One of the tasks of a loan expert is in particular to review:

Party reports or private reports

Expert opinions that are commissioned by one of the disputed parties are referred to as party reports or private reports. In contrast to the court opinion , which is commissioned by the court to the expert. According to the jurisprudence of the Higher Regional Court Nuremberg (Az. 4 W 3836/00) and OLG Celle (Az. 3 U 3/06) “the costs of a pre-litigation obtained private expert opinion are reimbursable if it was necessary from the point of view of the party to provide a sufficient basis for the intended prosecution. "