Warsaw Uprising Cross

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Warsaw Rising Cross

The Warsaw Uprising Cross ( Polish: Krzyż Powstania Warszawskiego ) was an unofficial award given to the Polish insurgents during the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. It was made from captured iron crosses , on which 1-zloty coins from the pre-war period were attached to cover the swastika ; the coins were labeled with the Kotwica and the year 1944. It was awarded for killing an SS officer in combat and for other acts of bravery.

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Individual evidence

  1. Stefan Oberlaitner: Polskie ordery odznaczenia i niektóre wyróżnienia zaszczytne 1705-1990 . Warszawa 2009, ISBN 978-83-919754-1-1 , p. 427 (Polish).
  2. Lesław J. Welker: Symbolika znaków Polski Walczącej . Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2000, ISBN 83-7174-498-6 , p. 42-45 (Polish).