War armor

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The war armor or combat armor of the knight is in contrast to tournament armor or parade armor . The war armor is designed to offer maximum protection and maximum mobility, criteria that conflict and where a compromise must be found. Overall, the maximum combat suitability should be guaranteed. The wearing comfort must also be taken into account, i.e. the weight and flexibility of the armor.

When it comes to good military armor, the following things must be taken into account:

  • the armor must offer protection against various weapons
  • it should restrict your own mobility as little as possible
  • it may restrict your own field of vision as little as possible
  • the armor must also be able to be worn over a longer period of time
  • they should satisfy the vanity of knights

The armaments produced had to meet various criteria, with the focus being on other aspects depending on the client. Apart from the personal preferences in the manufacture of the war armor , there was also the tournament armor , with the focus on the highest possible protection and the parade armor with an as conspicuous, expensive and fashionable execution as possible.