Crown bone

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Cut through a horse's hoof
The freeze-dried longitudinal section through a hoof shows the structures of the above drawing

The crown bone ( os coronale , phalanx media ) is the name given to the bone of the middle section of the toe in ungulates , and more rarely in other animals. The crown bone is a squat, rectangular bone.

The upper section ( base phalangis mediae ) carries a joint surface ( fovea articularis ) for the articulated connection with the fetlock . In addition, in ruminants, on the back of the toe, the extensor process ( processus extensorius ) is located at the insertion of the extensor digitorum lateralis muscle . On the sole or back side (palmar / plantar) is the "coronet leg rest" ( flexor tuberosity ) for the attachment of the superficial flexor tendon .

The middle section of the bone is called the corolla bone ( corpus phalangis mediae ). The lower end, the crown bone head ( caput phalangis mediae ), has an articular surface for the articulated connection with the coffin bone and navicular bone .


  • F.-V. Salomon: locomotor system. In: F.-V. Salomon et al. (Ed.): Anatomy for veterinary medicine . Enke-Verlag, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8304-1007-7 , pp. 22-234.