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The fetlock bone ( os compedale ) is the name given to the bone of the first phalanx ( phalanx proximalis ) in ungulates . It is a short cylindrical bone with an upper base, the body (corpus) and the lower joint head (caput). The joint pit of the base ( fovea articularis ) is used for the articulated connection with the metatarsal bone (" cannon bone "), the joint role of the head articulates with the crown bone .

In horses, the side of the fetlock with the surface of the hand or foot carries two converging bone ridges, which serve for the attachment of the oblique sesamoid ligaments ( ligamenta sesamoidea obliqua ). The two fetlock ridges delimit the fetlock triangle ( Trigonum phalangis proximalis ).

Inflammation-related bone growth on the fetlock bone is referred to as a groin .


  • Franz-Viktor Salomon: musculoskeletal system . In: Franz-Viktor Salomon et al. (Hrsg.): Anatomie für die Tiermedizin . Enke-Verlag, Stuttgart 2004, pp. 22-234. ISBN 3-8304-1007-7