Goiter stone

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As Kropf stone ( Calculus ingluvialis ) is called a concretion in the craw of birds . The formation of goiter stones is rare and is known as ingluviallithiasis or goiter lithiasis . It shows in rhythmic swallowing movements and regurgitation , reluctance to eat, weakness and emaciation.

The cause of the disease is unknown. Excessive feed intake after a long period of abstinence from food, blockages of the goiter and injuries to the goiter mucosa caused by fiber-rich feed or foreign bodies as well as ingestion of one's own excrement are suspected. Chemically, it is mostly about formations from uric acid salts and struvite . The treatment is carried out surgically through a goiter incision .


Petra Wolf et al .: A goiter in the budgie (Melopsittacus undulatus) . In: Kleintierpraxis 40 (1995), pp. 301-308.