Kulla (deity)

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The brick god Kulla (SIG 4 , Hittite also d Gul-la-an) is a son of Ea / Enki and Damgalnunna / Damkina. He usually resides in the apsû . Kulla embodies the Adobe ( sum. Sig 4 , Accadian libittu (m), arab. Libn).

The name of Kulla is passed down from the myth " Enki and the world order ". In the incantation "When Anu created heaven" the archetype of all temples was built as the dwelling place of the Ea in the Abzu. Clay was present here, all other materials such as reeds and wood as well as the various artisan gods such as Kulla, Ninagal and Ninzadim Ea created on this occasion. Bricks were usually made in May / June, in Umma the month in question was called "the month of brick-making", in Nippur the month of Kulla. Sacrifices were made to Kulla during the construction work. After a building was completed, Kulla had to be driven out, this was done through the ritual enūma kulla ušteṣṣu . He should then sail down the river.

The god Nunurra is responsible for fired bricks , for building the house itself and especially for the foundations Mušdama ( Ea ša itinni ). Later, however, Kulla is also described as the builder of the Ea, itinnu ša Ea bēl nuššē u libnāt .

Kulla ( d Gul-la-an ) is also mentioned in a Hittite building ritual, along with Ḫepat and Ea.


  • Claus Ambos: Mesopotamian building rituals from the 1st millennium BC Chr. ISLET, Dresden 2004, ISBN 3-9808466-2-8 .