Copper number

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The copper number corresponds to the copper weight of a cable (a cable , a wire , a stranded wire , etc.) in relation to a unit of length. Usually it is given in kg / m, kg / km or a fraction or a multiple thereof.


  • A cable (NYM-J 5x16) is specified with a copper number of 768 kg / km. Thus 768 grams of copper are calculated in one meter of cable.

When buying cables between companies, a price per meter that covers the manufacturing costs and a price based on the copper number and copper price are usually agreed.

The copper number given by the seller for a cable does not always correspond to the actual metal content of the cable. Some companies consider the copper number to be a purely calculatory variable, regardless of the physical unit used.

Corresponding numbers are common for lines made of other metals, an aluminum number is used for aluminum lines.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Industrie-Anzeiger , Volume 100, Wirtschaftsverband Eisen, Blech und Metallverarbeitende Industrie, Wirtschaftsverband Stahlverformung, Wirtschaftsvereinigung Ziezeien und Kaltwalzwerke, Girardet, 1978, p. 52.
  2. Definitions of the terms used by LEONI in connection with the copper business , as of September 1, 2017, accessed on September 22, 2019.