Kurdish community Germany

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The Kurdish Community of Germany ( Kurdish : Civaka Kurd Li Almanya, abbr .: KGD) is an umbrella organization of Kurdish organizations in Germany. The federal chairman is Ali Ertan Toprak . It represents the Kurds organized in it , who represent the second largest group of migrants in Germany after migrants of Turkish origin.


One of the goals of the Kurdish Community in Germany is the non-partisan and democratic representation of the German Kurds. It “promotes the preservation and deepening of the Kurdish culture and language. For them, the recognition of the Kurdish identity is the basis of a culture of welcome and recognition in a modern immigration country. ”Further key objectives of the KGD are the promotion of peaceful coexistence between different social groups, cultural and political exchange between various organizations and between the state and the Kurds themselves.


The importance of the KGD has grown enormously , especially since the Kurdish war against the so-called Islamic State (organization) . Media appearances in which members of the organization campaign for more democracy and the rule of law in the Middle East are not uncommon. The German federal government is often called upon to be more committed. In 2015, the organization complained about the German government's commissioner for migration, refugees and integration , Aydan Özoğuz , who was accused of deliberately ignoring Kurdish migrant representatives and at the same time preferring Turkish ones.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Kurds in Germany stress on own identity in meeting with integration minister , accessed on January 22, 2017.
  2. Kurdish Community Germany - Self-Presentation , accessed on January 22, 2017.
  3. Deutschlandradio Kultur Islamic Associations identify themselves with shady autocrats , accessed on January 22, 2017.
  4. World: We'll exterminate you, burn you , accessed on January 22, 2017.