Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration

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Annette Widmann-Mauz (2013) since March 14, 2018

The office of the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration was established in the Federal Chancellery by Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2005 and given its importance as Minister of State for Integration. Since then, the incumbent has had the rank of Parliamentary State Secretary .

From 2002 to 2005 the office was assigned to the Ministry of Family Affairs, before that, since the creation of the office in 1978, it was assigned to the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs as "Commissioner to promote the integration of foreign workers and their family members" or "Commissioner of the Federal Government for foreigner issues" .

Colloquially, the office is also referred to as the “Integration Commissioner” or earlier as the “Foreigners Commissioner” of the Federal Government. The CDU politician Annette Widmann-Mauz has been the incumbent since March 14, 2018 .

There is also the relevant office of the integration officer in the federal states and in some cases also at the local level .

Legal status and duties

Sections 92 to 94 of the Residence Act regulate the legal status and tasks of the commissioners for migration, refugees and integration. It is appointed by the federal government for the duration of one legislative period. She is to be provided with the necessary personnel and equipment (working staff). It has, among other things, the task of supporting the integration policy of the federal government, helping the interests of foreigners living here to be adequately taken into account, counteracting xenophobia and unjustified inequality of treatment, providing information on options for naturalization, ensuring that the rights of free movement of Union citizens are safeguarded, and to inform the public about the areas of responsibility. The commissioner is to be involved at an early stage in legislative projects by the federal government or individual federal ministries, as well as in other matters that affect their area of ​​responsibility. It can make suggestions to the federal government and forward statements. In the event of unequal treatment of foreigners by federal public authorities, it can take action and request statements.


At least every two years, the Commissioner submits a report to the German Bundestag ( report by the Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration ), Section 94 (2) of the Residence Act . The 11th report (from 2016) is called “Report of the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration - Participation, Equal Opportunities and Legal Development in the Immigration Society of Germany”; previous reports were called “Report by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration on the Situation of Foreigners in Germany”.

In addition, it presented an integration indicator report in 2009 and 2012 .


See also

Portal: Migration and Integration in Germany  - Articles, Categories and More

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