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In the Swabian dialect and partly in other Alemannic dialects too, Lällebäbbel is someone who speaks stupidly and is foolish: "The Lällebäbbel just gossips with Bäbb."


The term Lällebäbbel has its etymological origin in "Lälle" (huge, protruding tongue) and in "Bäbb" (glue). In terms of onomatopoeia, it is reminiscent of “slurping” as well as “bäbbeln” (babble) and “bäbbera”.

Lällebäbbel is considered to be a particular idiot in Swabian that was listed in Swabian dictionaries as early as the middle of the 18th century. According to Stefan Pflaum , however, en Lällebäbbel can be addressed as a naive, dreamy, inexperienced person.

A similar term is Swabian Lällegschwätz, which describes stupid, senseless talk. Labbeduddel is the Hessian and North Baden version of a Lällebäbbel.


Individual evidence

  1. Lällebäbbel on Wianka.
  2. Oliver im Masche: Swabian as a cultural asset: “Schwätza” or “speak”? Stuttgarter Zeitung, April 5, 2012.
  3. Oliver im Masche: When praising "beschde Sau" the woman scolds (PDF; 182 kB) Stuttgarter Zeitung, April 2, 2012.
  4. Heimatverein Möglingen: The fourth 100 Swabian words.
  5. Stefan Pflaum : The Dreisamtäler from June 18, 2003.
  6. Compact mini dictionary Ei du Labbeduddel, So scold the Hessians