Lê Hiến Tông

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Lê Hiến Tông (* 1461 ; † 1504 , real name Lê Tranh ) was the emperor of Vietnam in the Lê dynasty . He ruled after the death of his father Lê Thánh Tông from 1497 until his death in 1504.

Life and domination

Lê Hiên Tông was one of fourteen sons of the Emperor Lê Thánh Tông , who enjoyed a high reputation due to his long and successful reign. Lê Hien Tông was brought up at the palace and systematically prepared for the succession by his father with the means of Confucian education and political theory. Lê Hiên Tông took over the throne at the age of 36 after the death of his father. His successor was determined by the seriously ill predecessor while he was still alive and publicly proclaimed. Lê Hien Tông continued his father's policy during his reign.

Like his father, he died of an illness that contemporary historians identified as a sexually transmitted disease. His son and successor Lê Túc Tông ruled for only one year and was replaced by the Emperor Lê Uy Mục whose rule heralded a time of turmoil.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b K. W. Taylor: A History of the Vietnamese. Cambridge, 2013, pp. 221-223
  2. ^ William J. Duiker, Bruce Lockhart: Historical Dictionary of Vietnam, Lanham, 2006, p. 203