Lion head bridge

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Coordinates: 53 ° 13 ′ 2 "  N , 11 ° 42 ′ 22"  E

Lion head bridge
Lion head bridge
Listed Lion Head Bridge
Convicted Streesow – Bootz road
Subjugated Berlin-Hamburg train
place Streesow , Karstädt
completion 1846
planner Friedrich Neuhaus
Löwenkopf Bridge (Brandenburg)
Lion head bridge

The Löwenkopfbrücke is a bridge over the Berlin-Hamburg railway near Streesow (part of the municipality of Karstädt in the northwest of the Prignitz district ). The listed bridge from the early days of the railways built in 1846 is one of the oldest bridges over railway lines, possibly even the oldest preserved bridge over railway lines in Germany.


The bridge is located west of the village of Streesow in the area of ​​the municipality of Karstädt in the Prignitz in the northwest of the state of Brandenburg on the route kilometer 151.272 of the Berlin-Hamburg railway. The road from Streesow to Bootz leads over the bridge .


Road on the bridge with historical pavement
Löwenkopfstein on the wayside to Bootz

The bridge was built with the Berlin-Hamburg Railway in 1846. The name of the bridge refers on the one hand to the two lion heads that are attached to both sides as an ornament on the bridge, and on the other hand to the historical field name Löwengrund . To the west of the bridge on the road towards Bootz is a stone that looks like a lion's head. There is no clear opinion about the origin of the stone or about the connections between stone and bridge.

The bridge has been a listed building since November 10, 1982. In 1986 the track bed in the area of ​​the bridge was lowered over a length of about 800 meters in connection with preparatory work to electrify the line. In the years that followed, however, it became clear that this solution had not worked as water collected in this section when it rained. Instead, as part of the route expansion in the early 1990s, the bridge was first removed and then rebuilt stone by stone in a higher location. The old road surface was also reinstalled.

The bridge

Lion head relief on the bridge

The area above the two tracks consists of a segment arch made of bricks. Two lion heads on each side adorn the bridge, which was built in 1846 and commemorates the beginning of the railway age. The wing walls and the visible surfaces of the abutments are made of granite ashlar masonry. The two lion heads on either side of the bridge are medallion reliefs made of light cast iron in imitation sandstone. Both end walls are divided by a brickwork strip with decorative rosettes.

Web links

Commons : Lion Head Bridge  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Jörg Raach, Matthias Baxmann, Fascination Railway. Railway culture in Brandenburg , L + H Verlag, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-39396-2921-4 , pp. 58–60.
  2. a b Streesow with the Löwenkopfbrücke on the website of the municipality of Karstädt, accessed on January 1, 2015