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Basic data

developer LDE development team / Phil Stopford
Publishing year 1999
Current  version 6.4 stable edition
(September 25, 2006)
operating system Windows
License GPL ( Free Software )
German speaking Yes

LDE (X) was one of the most mature LiteStep - distributions , developed from 1999 to 2013. The project website is no longer online, the code can still be used via SourceForge. The software made its public debut with LDE R4 in October 1999. The LDE-X R1.0 release in 2000 brought about a significant change in approach. The software has been offered as free software under the terms of the GPL since the beginning of development and currently only runs on the Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems .

LDE was originally created to offer users of the Common Desktop Environment , CDE for short, an easy-to-understand user interface under Windows NT , and was intended from the outset for universities and companies. To date, it has evolved into a much more complex system based on a framework that in turn is based on Microsoft Windows Script ( JavaScript ) code and the script code used by LiteStep. The framework also supports the Python and Lua languages . This widespread support was a well-considered goal of the development team, because it means that extensions for the system can be contributed by other developers without any problems. Multilingual support is also offered by the system, although this is not the ideal solution due to the limitations associated with LiteStep.

The framework simplifies general tasks by offering individual scripts. A typical example of the basis of the framework is that each author of a traditional LiteStep theme (user interface) either had to write their own code to save settings to files or had to ask the user to edit the code directly. The LDE developers decided that this had to be an easy thing to do and wrote scripts for this and other cases that can adapt the core framework of LDE (X).

The framework also supports the Open Theme standard, which is available in version 2 and is used by the LiteStep community. This was a feature requested by users that would allow such topics to use parts of the LDE (X) SDK to expand their capabilities when running on LDE (X).

The user interface is implemented in the framework and can itself load extensions ( plug-ins ) from a common depot for all users.

LDE (X) is accompanied by a program called OpenLDE, which enables LDE-based projects to be quickly recognized as an LDE derivative.

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