LRC (file format)

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LRC (abbreviation of LyRiCs) is a file format for synchronizing song texts with audio files, for example MP3 . If the MP3 file is played on certain MP3 players , the associated text will be displayed. However, it can also be used on the PC with standard playback programs. As a program extension (currently 15 players are supported and can be used as a karaoke machine), for example, MiniLyrics enables the corresponding text to be found on the Internet while it is being played and displayed in parallel. In some cases there may be playback problems if the character encoding does not conform to ANSI .


The LRC format is very simple so that it can be easily edited in a text file. The first details relate, among other things, to the title and the artist (s). What is special, however, is that the pure text is preceded by time information in the form:

[00:00.88]Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium
[00:10.16]Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.
[00:19.58]Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng geteilt,
[00:29.19]alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.

The starting times of the lines [minutes: seconds.Hundredths of a second] are given in square brackets for exact synchronization. Some programs can recognize the start times directly during playback and independently create corresponding LRC files. This easily creates a music collection in LRC format.

In addition, a time can be specified for each word individually in order to highlight individual words or passages with suitable MP3 players or with suitable software:

[00:00.88]Freude, <00:01.66>schöner <00:03.14>Götterfunken, <00:05.30>Tochter <00:06.47>aus <00:07.16>Elysium
[00:10.06]Wir betreten feuertrunken, <00:14.90>Himmlische, <00:16.67>dein Heiligtum.

ID tags with additional information can be inserted in front of the text, although some playback devices or programs do not recognize them or simply ignore them.

[al:Album, aus dem das Musikstück stammt]
[ti:Titel des Musikstücks]
[au:Urheber des Texts] [length:Länge des Musikstücks] [by:Urheber der LRC-Datei]
[offset:+/- Gesamtjustierung des Zeitstempels in Millisekunden; + verschiebt vorwärts; - verschiebt rückwärts]
[re:Das Abspielgerät oder -programm, mit dem die LRC-Datei erzeugt wurde]

Web links


  1. How to get or make LRC for your favorite songs ( Memento from April 27, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  2. (Japanese)