La Casa Ida

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La Casa Ida was a media lab and cultural center operating in Lima , Peru between 2006 and 2014 , focusing on research, production and training in technological artistic practices. It was founded by a group of contemporary artists led by the architect and electronic art researcher Alvaro Pastor.


The main areas of work included research into the relationships between artists and computers, education and training in the field of electronic art, the promotion of artistic production and the exhibition of experimental audiovisual arts, and the promotion of access to open source technologies for cultural production and Innovation. Located on the famous La Colmena Avenue in the old town, La Casa Ida offers a multimedia computer laboratory, audio-visual production and post-production facilities, a lounge area for artists and researchers, and exhibition spaces for galleries and music.

The institutional website has been a publishing platform for experimental and electronic music since 2008. In 2011, La Casa Ida founded the Instituto Arte Electronica (Institute of Electronic Arts), which is concerned with developing an educational program in electronic arts and technologies, whose educational approach aims to harmonize academic, non-standard and traditional knowledge of Latin America bring to. In this context, La Casa Ida initiated a free digital library project that provides selected resources for research into digital technologies and the humanities. In addition to exhibition and educational activities, La Casa Ida supported Peruvian government institutions for a cultural and educational policy that encompasses open source and creative applications of open source technologies. One of the most important projects is, a collaborative information system on cultural ecosystems that was created in 2011 and introduced by the Peruvian Ministry of Culture under the name Infoartes since 2013. The Electronic Arts National Forum ARTEC is an annual event in which national and international artists as well as experts from digital humanities and technology took part from 2009 to 2012. From 2011 to 2013 La Casa Ida carried out the Pantalla Urbana (Urban Screen) pop-up.

During his active years, La Casa Ida established connections and collaborations with worldwide organizations, researchers, activists and artists such as Alta Tecnología Andina ATA, record company Aloardi, MALI Art Museum of Lima, Canadian Council of Arts, Contemporary Art Museum of Lima MAC, Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano, record label Discos Invisibles, Escuelab, Etopia Centro de Arte y Tecnología, Iberescena, Ibermusicas, Iberotec, International Festival of Video and Electronic Art in Lima, ISONAR Sound Research Group of the University of San Martín de Porres, art critic Jorge Villacorta, Ministry of Culture in Peru, Municipal Theater of Lima, National School of Fine Arts ENSABAP, Organization of Ibero-American States, OTELO - Open Technology Laboratory, Pro Helvetia, record label Scant Intone, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation AECID and V2 Institute for Unstable Media.

Individual evidence

  1. Ibermusicas: Álvaro Pastor. In: Ibermusicas, accessed on August 26, 2017 .
  2. ^ “La Casa Ida,” member of Instituto Arte Electronica. In: NMC Media-N. May 8, 2013. Retrieved August 26, 2017 (American English).
  3. Culmina el ciclo de cine del vanguardista japonés Toshio Matsumoto. Retrieved August 26, 2017 (Spanish).
  4. Crisálida Sonica - Exploring Peru's avant-garde. January 4, 2011. Retrieved August 26, 2017 (UK English).
  5. ^ A b Organization of Iberoamerican States: Concurso Iberoamericano “Emprende con cultura”. In: OEI. Organization of Latin American Nations, accessed August 26, 2017 .
  6. Radio Programas del Perú: Fiesta cultural por el Perú en víspera de Fiestas Patrias. Retrieved August 26, 2019 (Spanish).
  7. SienteMag: La Casa Ida y sus buenas nuevas. Retrieved August 26, 2019 (Spanish).
  8. Peru 21: Comenzó ARTEC, foro de arte y tecnología electrónica - Radio Pirata | Blogs. October 10, 2011, accessed August 26, 2017 (Spanish).
  9. ARTEC 2011: Foro nacional de arte y tecnología. Retrieved August 26, 2019 (Spanish).
  10. Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza: Noticias.Artistas internacionales se reúnen en Zaragoza para debatir y generar contenido para la fachada-media digital de Etopia. May 20, 2006, Retrieved August 26, 2019 (Spanish).
  11. 20minutes: La fachada-media digital del CAT-Etopia proyecta este sábado una exhibición artística. November 9, 2013, accessed August 26, 2019 (Spanish).
  12. Hipermedula: Videomapping para las artes escénicas | :: Retrieved August 26, 2019 .