La Zaïroise

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La Zaïroise was the national anthem of Zaire , now the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa , which was valid between 1972 and 1997 . The text was written by Joseph Lutumba, the music was composed by Simon-Pierre Boka Di Mpasi Londi. When the country was renamed “Zaire”, it replaced the hymn Debout Congolais , introduced in 1960 , which was also written by Joseph Lutumba and set to music by Simon-Pierre Boka Di Mpasi Londi. Since the return to the name "Congo", the original anthem has been used again.

Original text in French

Zaïrois dans la paix retrouvée,
Peuple uni, nous sommes Zaïrois
En avant fier et plein de dignité
Peuple grand, peuple libre à jamais
Tricolore, enflamme nous du feu sacré
Pour bâtir notre pays toujours plus beau
|: Autour d'un fleuve Majesté: |
Tricolore au vent, ravive l'idéal
Qui nous relie aux aïeux, à nos enfants
|: Paix, justice et travail: |

German translation

Zairer, in peace found again,
A united people, we are Zairians;
Let us step forward proudly and with dignity.
A great people, a people forever free.
Tricolor flag , kindle the sacred flame within us,
To build our country even more beautiful than before,
|: Around a majestic river  : |
Tricolor in the wind, enliven the ideal
That connects us with our ancestors, our children
|: Peace, Justice and Work: |

Web links

See also