Land of Cockaygne

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The Land of Cockaygne (also Cockaigne, Cockayne ), German land of Cockaygne , is the land of plenty comparable fantasy land.

At the same time, it is the name of an Anglo-Irish work by an unknown author in Middle Latin and Middle English that has survived in only one copy , which was probably compiled in Ireland in the early 1330. There is evidence of Franciscan origins : a poem is believed to have been written by Friar Michael of Kildare , and the manuscript specifically includes Franciscans. The small format of the book is reminiscent of a paperback by a wandering monk. The work contains a long booze song that makes fun of local clerics and traders.

The story, which goes back to Lukian , describes with echoes of the paradise of the Bible a utopia as a land of milk and honey with an abundance of food and drink and with “loose” women.


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