State teaching award Baden-Württemberg

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The State Teaching Award Baden-Württemberg is a university award from the State of Baden-Württemberg for special teaching achievements.

The state teaching award has been awarded annually since 1993 by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts . The prize is awarded for every type of university (universities since 1993, universities of teacher education since 1995, universities of applied sciences since 1996, dual university since 2003, colleges of art and music since 2009). The prize money is 50,000 euros per award winner and university. A jury made up of independent experts, former winners and students will decide on the award.

Since 2013, the prize has been awarded in years with odd years and the Landungsforschungspreis in alternating years with even years.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c The state teaching award on the website of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg; Retrieved June 17, 2015.
  2. Thomas Breining (2011) How to stimulate the student think tank on from December 1, 2011; Retrieved June 17, 2015.