State Prize for Local Research

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The State Prize for Local Research in Baden-Württemberg has been advertised since 1981 to honor exemplary scientific achievements of people who volunteer to deal with an area of ​​local history.


The state prize is awarded to self-contained individual works based on their own research. This must be demonstrated by providing evidence of the sources used and appropriate references. The work may not be related to a scientific education, each work can only be submitted once. Prize winners who have already been awarded cannot be awarded a second time. After the age of 30, youth award winners as well as student award winners can apply again. The scientific criteria do not have to be fully met for the student award.


A jury made up of eight representatives from each of the founders decides on the award of the prize. The sponsors of the award are: the state of Baden-Württemberg (Ministry of Culture and Sport) and the state committee for home care .

Student price

On the occasion of the 50th birthday of Baden-Württemberg in 2002, the sponsors of the award also donated a student award.


Works on the following areas - which are related to Baden-Württemberg - can be submitted:

  • Local and regional history
  • Our home and the home of others
  • German expellees: Loss of their old homeland - New Homeland Baden-Württemberg
  • Technology history
  • Nature and environmental protection
  • Art history
  • Village or town renewal
  • Research on dialect, theater and literature
  • Research on customs and festivals


  • Main prize: € 5,000
  • Two prizes each: € 1,300
  • Youth sponsorship award: € 1,300
  • Student price: € 1,300

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