Landscape Pharmacy (Baden)

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Landscape pharmacy
legal form one-man business
founding around 1600
Seat Baden near Vienna
management Haberfeld family
Branch pharmacy

The pharmacy on Hauptplatz 2 in 1891
The pharmacy on Hauptplatz 13 in 2016

The Landschafts-Apotheke is the oldest pharmacy in Baden near Vienna in Lower Austria . It was also one of the first landscaped pharmacies in the industrial district that still exists today.


The oldest records of the Baden pharmacy date from around 1600. The first owners can be found in the town's registers before 1683, the year of the second Turkish siege . One finds entries from 1602, 1619 and 1669 about different owners of the pharmacy. Even later you will always find entries.

While the earlier entries always show gaps, continuous records are available from the 19th century. Outstanding among the owners is the mayor of Baden, Johann Nepomuk Trost until 1866.

When Trost died, his son-in-law Leopold Schwarz took over , who was also a teacher and co-founder of the "Hospital for poor scrofulous children" . But he only led them for ten years until he too died.

One of his sons, Karl Guido Schwarz, ran the landscape pharmacy during his mother's lifetime until 1888 as a provisional and from then on as the owner until 1912.

Today's family property

One year later, in 1913, Otto Haberfeld acquired the pharmacy from Heinrich Renie. Before that, he had been provisional in another pharmacy in Baden for 15 years. Archduke Eugen awarded the pharmacy the title of his chamber supplier . Haberfeld owned and managed the pharmacy personally until his death in 1925.

The widow Ida Haberfeld ran the pharmacy with the provisional Adolf Ehler until her death in 1934. After the Anschluss, the sons Kurt and Heinz were able to flee to South America. The pharmacy was "aryanized" .

Rita Lanzdorf ran Alois Brinke's pharmacy through the war years up to 1948. In 1948 the pharmacy was returned to its original owners, the two brothers of the Haberfeld family. Since the two were still living in Buenos Aires , the pharmacy was leased to Adolf Ehler, who had previously managed the pharmacy.

In 1961 Heinz Haberfeld, meanwhile married, returned to Baden with two children and took over the pharmacy. His brother died in Buenos Aires in 1966.

In the meantime, Heinz Haberfeld junior is the third generation to run the pharmacy in a family with roots that go back to the beginning of modern times .

Web links

Commons : Landscape Pharmacy  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Coordinates: 48 ° 0 ′ 28 ″  N , 16 ° 14 ′ 4 ″  E