Langdysse in Emmedsbo

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Floor plan of a polygonal diaphragm - scheme

The east-west oriented Langdysse in Emmedsbo is located in the eponymous forest, east of Bønnerup Strand on the Djursland peninsula in Jutland in Denmark .

An almost intact hexagonal polygonal pole with five supporting stones and the roughly round capstone is located in the approximately 10.0 × 6.0 m large mound bed . Only two pairs of bearing stones have survived from the south-facing corridor, the cap stones are missing. 17 curb stones have been preserved from the megalithic bed, most of which are tilted and partly covered by the earth.

There are six less well-preserved round and long jets in the vicinity.

See also


  • Karsten Kristiansen: På tur i Djurslands Fortid. Århus Amt - Landskabkontoret, Århus 1991 (Revideret, 3rd oplag. Ibid. 2002, ISBN 87-7906-246-6 ).
  • Jakob Vedsted: Fortidsminder og Kulturlandskab. En kildekritisk analysis af tragtbaegerkulturens found material from Norddjursland. Forlaget Skippershoved, Ebeltoft 1986, ISBN 87-981329-5-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Langdysse is the name commonly used in Denmark for dolmens that lie in a barren bed . In contrast, dolmens in a round hill are called round dysse

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