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The Langtüttin is a female demon figure who is so called because of her long, sagging breasts (Old High German tutte stands for teat).

The name Langtüttin comes from the Tyrolean legend. In the East-Central German tradition one speaks of the titty wief and in East Prussia of the Roggenmöhn. In Scandinavian folklore, the Slattenpatte is a comparable demonic figure.

The Langtüttin one of the grain demons and now acts only as bogeyman figure . As such, she runs after children and offers them her breasts. Milk flows from one breast and pus from the other, sometimes blood and tar. The breasts can also be black or even made of iron. This is what they say in northern Germany, Mrs. Anna Marlene Ittchen / with her iron tits . For children, an encounter with Langtüttin is often fatal.

In order not to be hindered by her long breasts while chasing, the Langtüttin throws her breasts over her shoulders.

Individual evidence

  1. Leander Petzoldt : Small Lexicon of Demons and Elementals , 3rd Edition Munich 2003, page 119 ISBN 3-406-49451-X
  2. ^ Richard Beitl: Investigations on the mythology of the child , Waxmann Verlag 2007, pages 40–42.


  • Friedrich Schröder: Hansel and Gretel, The Enchantment by the Great Mother , opus magnum 2009.
  • Walter Scherf: Das Märchenlexikon , Verlag Beck, 1995.
  • Ignaz Vinzenz Zingerle : Legends from Tyrol , Innsbruck 1850.

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