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Larunda is a Roman deity .

According to Marcus Terentius Varro , it is of Sabine origin. Titus Tatius is said to have consecrated an altar to her in Rome. According to Tacitus, there was a sanctuary ( Sacellum ) of Larunda in the Roman Forum .

Probably because of the similarity of the name with Lara, she belongs to the group of deities that one has tried to identify with the Mater Larum .


  • Tacitus Annals 12.24
  • Varro De lingua latina 5.74


  • Francesca Prescendi: Larunda, Mater Larum. In: The New Pauly (DNP). Volume 6, Metzler, Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 3-476-01476-2 , Sp. 1156.
  • Oskar Raith: Larunda mater larum? In: Philologus Vol. 150 (2006), pp. 358-359