Larval parasite

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Larva of the horse's gastropod

Animal species are designated as larval parasites that only live as larvae as parasites and whose adult stages do not live parasitically. Larvalparasiten found, for example under entomophagous nematodes , the Tachinidae , the warble flies and taking parasitic Hymenoptera . The larvae of clams of the Unionoidea with the families of river and pond mussels (Unionidae) and river pearl mussels (Margaritiferidae) can also live parasitically as larva ( Glochidium ) on the gills of various freshwater fish.

They differ from temporary parasites in that they parasitize only briefly and frequently as adults (e.g. as bloodsuckers) and not during their entire larval stage.

supporting documents

  1. Keyword "Larval Parasites." In: Herder-Lexikon der Biologie. Spectrum Akademischer Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg 2003. ISBN 3-8274-0354-5