Lauku māte

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Lauku māte , lett . "Field Mother" is one of the many divine mother goddesses in Latvian mythology . It is mentioned by Paul Einhorn as early as 1649 :

"When you go out into the field, you call the Laukemate, the mother or goddess of the fields or the fields, as you thank them, when the grain should stand."

- Paul Einhorn : Refutation of idolatry

Lauko sargai and Laukpatis

In Lithuanian mythology , the Lauko sargai ("field keepers") were known who, according to the catechism of Martynas Mažvydas , were venerated for crops. Jan Łasicki, on the other hand, calls a Lavvcpatimo (for * Laukpatims, which is a dative plural of Laukpatis "Landlord"), who was revered by those "who go to plow and sow".
