Le Foyer International d'Etudes Françaises

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Le Foyer International d'Etudes Francaises ( Le Fief en Drôme provençale ) is a non-profit German-French cultural association based in La Bégude-de-Mazenc , France .

Foundation and history


Today the activities of the FIEF mainly consist of different group stays of many orientations and enable international encounters. It is open to everyone, groups or individuals. The FIEF, currently chaired by Maria Komander, is a place for thematic and artistic stays on the topics of cultural heritage and culture of remembrance, European politics and Franco-German friendship, theater and painting, mindfulness, nutrition and sustainability.

The approximately 15 thematic seminars, artistic workshops and group stays per year are organized with adult education centers, universities or colleges, organizations such as the VMSF (music holidays without borders), or associations. The programs include visits to historical sites of the Resistance in the Vercors and the Dieulefit region, lectures and debates by specialists or companies from the region, and cultural excursions (theater, exhibitions). Because of its Franco-German and European partners, such as the European Centers for Culture and Communication (EBZ), the events and seminars are often made up of participants from different nationalities. The Franco-German artistic workshop program is organized by FIEF with its partner “Franco-German forum for young art” in Bayreuth and with the support of the DFJW, which is committed to promoting culture and language. The FIEF also offers a cultural program for the local audience with performances, concerts and cooking workshops.

Le Foyer International d'Etudes Françaises

FIEF workshops

France-based FIEF and its German partner, the Franco-German forum for young art, supported by the Franco-German Youth Office , organize artistic workshops, each led by a Franco-German duo. The working groups are made up of French and German artists who deal with improvisation, theater techniques, such as the Commedia dell'Arte, making masks, etc. for a period of 10 days.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Maria Komander: Le Fief gîte drôme - Das fief. Retrieved May 6, 2020 .
  2. ^ Maria Komander: Le Fief gîte drôme - Das fief. Retrieved May 8, 2020 .
  3. ^ Maria Komander: Le Fief gîte drôme - Workshops. Retrieved May 6, 2020 .